My Other Boats

This is the fifth boat I am building, and by far my most ambitious. It is also my first time using plywood on frame construction.

The other boats I built are mostly cedar strip.  They are…

16’ “Wabnaki” Prospector Canoe

This is from Gil Gilpatrick’s awesome
Building a Strip Canoe book. It is the first boat I built. It is great with two people. 

13’ Wee Lassie 2 pack canoe

Plans from Newfound Woodworks. This has a laminated stem, stapleless construction, and more bends in the hull, which made it a little more challenging to build.  I use it with a kayak paddle.  I built this for solo paddles. It is 40 lbs (20 lbs lighter than the 16 ft).  

Two 12’ Paddle Boards

A Family Picture

I built these paddleboards for my daughters to use, but they turned out way heavier than planned so that didn’t work out. I have to go with them now to carry them (which I don’t mind at all). The extra weight isn’t even noticeable in the water.

  15’ Cajun Pirogue

I mainly built the Pirogue with visions of taking my dog paddling like in an old painting
(I don’t know who the extra guy in the front is) but my dog HATED it, even though she loves swimming, go figure. And I don’t mean she seemed to not prefer it, I mean she made an awful cry-whimper-howl noise the whole time while she darted from side to side practically capsizing us and finally jumped out and swam to shore. 

So I never really used the Pirogue and finally cut it in half with visions of making cool shelves. I haven’t made them yet, so now I have two half boats in my shed. It also tracked terribly so I would have had to add a small keel if I wanted to really use it. Not my favorite build, but it gave me a little experience building with plywood so I’ve got that going for me. 

Like the sailboat, I built all of these boats from plans rather than kits. 


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